Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Day Five

Hey y'all!! It's finally my last blog (sadly). I'm going to try to make it my best and if you have any questions leave a comment if ya want! Today I will be talking about...
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(yes voting but more specifically..) elections!!!

Voting is a linkage institution because voting is one of the biggest ways to connect to the people of the United States. By having elections, that can influence an individual political beliefs because when looking at the questions while they're voting, they can think back to what they know on that specific candidate and that'll determine their decision on who they would vote for. I will be talking about the 2016 presidential election with Mr. Donald Trump and Ms. Hillary Clinton.

Candidate Number 1: DONALD TRUMP

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(finally. a decent picture of this guy.)
This man is none other than Donald J. Trump (or some people like to call him the president for short.), the 45th president of the United States. He is a republican (conservative) and dealt with the republican party. Some main issues that this candidate cares about "making America great again". He is also against Mexicans as well as immigrants and thinks they should not be in the U.S. at all. This artifact is arguing what Trump's beliefs are and how he can play a huge role on being a great president. (this was obviously created by a Trump supporter) This relates to his point of view/campaign/political stance because this shows and talks about what he values in life and this relates back to his campaign because the more people see him as a "good" guy doing all these "great" things, the more likely he gets voted for being a president.
Trump Artifact

Candidate Number 2: 
Image result for clinton

The second candidate was Secretary Hillary Clinton (secretary for short). She is the opposite of Trump. a democrat (liberal) so she dealt with the democratic party. She believes in education, guns, wealth care, abortion and taxes as well as other things. For example, she believes that abortion should be legal and she believes in making public colleges debt free. The following artifact that I researched is stating how President Barack Obama thinks that Hillary Clinton would be an amazing President and goes forward with her and her ideas 100 percent. This relates to Clinton's campaign because both her and Obama are democrats so they both along the line have the same ideas and hopefully same morals that they believe in.
Clinton artifact

looks like that's a wrap folks! Keep in touch! grumpy loves ya and will always think that you're..

Image result for grumpy dwarf smiling gif
worth more than a diamond!! - grumpy

"hello"- colin dalton, AP government teacher

Monday, November 13, 2017

Day Four!!

Hey everyone! Welcome back to grumpy's blog.. I hope you're enjoying life and stuff right now..  If not then...

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whatever is happening in your life will be done soon. don't worry :) don't be like this guy ^ (it's me wink wink)


Moving on to the real reason as to why I'm here. Continuing with linkage institutions I think the biggest linkage institution is media. Whether it's the internet, radio, television, magazines (that's still a thing right?) whichever applies to you, this is all media where you find the latest update and news about something or someone. Media is a linkage institution because it provides the most possible access to elected officials by the people who elected them (election wise like presidents and senators and what not). Media affects the general public because we're able to (usually) find out the quickest information about someone or something on our phones for example. By getting the quickest info, or just getting information in general, you'll get to decide who's the better candidate and what actions they take to become a better candidate. I chose two sources: CNN and FOX NEWS. The target audience for CNN is mostly liberals and the target for Fox news is conservatives. I will be talking today about the church shooting that happened in Texas in a church.
Image result for texas shooting
shooter: Devin Kelley

 Image result for texas shooting
another very important picture. same place, different angle.

The article talks of 26 people shot in the small town of Sutherland Spring which is in Texas and the message a family one of the mourning families had was this; No more guns. Specifically there is a family (Rodriguez) which is mourned by the loss of their brother/dad Richard Rodriguez. The sister, Evangelina Santos, is completely devastated, saying that she doesn't think it's safe for people to have guns. I think this article was relevant to the current in the event I chose because the guy who shot and killed people relates to the idea of shootings and gun violence. They do provide evidence even though it's not as much as it could be. For example, in this article, there is a video of 2 of the victims whose love one died and they were interviewed by CNN on how they felt and what they think. Also, there is a direct quote from Donald Trump replying to the 2 victims and specifically addressing to what the two women said. The point of view in this article is that they are two women who are for “no more guns” meaning they are not willing to have random people have guns anywhere in Texas and Trump should do something to stop guns. They (CNN and victims) are against the gun policy and they portray Trump as “good” and “bad” for not taking immediate action but “good” for at least replying to what the family said. The article and video is influenced by the political and social context in which it was written because they way the author worded the article and put in only a slight piece as to what Trump said towards the ladies makes it seem like Trump is only against and not with them as a team


  • A brief description of your second news source.
    • A brief summary of the article you have chosen to analyze.
    • An explanation of why the article is relevant to your current event, credible, and any biases that might exist.
    • An explain of how the article is influenced by the political, social, cultural and/or economic context in which it was written.
    • An analysis of the article’s argument, reasoning, and evidence.

  • A brief response to the question: How might the media influence an individual’s political beliefs?

Thursday, November 2, 2017

DAY THREE!!!!!!!

I honestly only chose this picture because I had a hard time thinking why these animals represent each party you know what I mean?? Like is a donkey strong?? Elephant for power?? Unicorn for fake or something?? I WILL FIND OUT!! (i hope)

Image result for political parties

Political parties link to the general public to the government by the use of multiple variations of social media. Whether it's on the television, news, twitter, YouTube, MySpace, Instagram, etc. Political parties are an important linkage institution because they can "link" us normal people (who don't watch news unless it's important or we have to) to some important things like the president, or candidates, or house of representatives, senators, etc.

Political Party:
The political party I chose to write about was the Libertarian Party (Fiscally Conservative). Some main beliefs in my political party is that they believe in free market economics and protection of private property. They also believe that individuals have the right to perform any action which is peaceful and honest. This differs from other political parties because for example, some parties believe that the government should just control everything while others believe that the citizens that live under that specific government should also take a role into what or when the government decides something. I think I chose this because I always like the idea of being peaceful or just dealing with peace in general because arguments and decision making are very stressful. 
Image result for peaceful and honest       Image result for peace

The artifact I ready states how they Respect you as unique and responsible individual that also stands firmly on their principles. They also substantially reduce the size and intrusiveness of government and cut and eliminate taxes at every opportunity. Any additional information necessary to make their claim is maybe by saying what they're willing to do towards the immigration laws since they claim how horrible it is. This artifact states that they created a positive impression by saying how they mean no harm to immigrants willing to come to the U.S. The author's political view is that America has a horrible immigration system. They believe that people should be able to travel freely as long as people are peaceful. If an immigrants wants to live in the United States, they should if they are peaceful Believe immigrants bravely left their hometown to find a better life. (Libertarian Website)

The politician I chose was Kamala D. Harris. (Senator)
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She is affiliated with the democratic party and some of her main beliefs are primarily focused on making the world a better place. She works intensely to help children, students and kids. She also really cares about the people in California a lot which is why she states how she have emergency Resources for California and wants to pass  the  Wildfire Disaster Funding Act. In reality, there was no particular reason as to why I chose her. It was actually at somewhat random but I did know that I wanted to choose someone in California.

Image result for kamala d harris    Image result for kamala d harris    Image result for kamala d harris    Image result for kamala d harris

This artifact came from the website, Harris's website. This talks about what the government and California can do to help because of the Nasty Wildfire that has effected thousands of people. She stated how she wanted to make sure California and everyone else was helping to contribute to all the people effected by the fire. Some words that were being used to give a positive impact is how the article states that "People rushed to help the elderly in nursing homes evacuate. I heard a story of a doctor who used his motorcycle to save newborn babies from a neonatal unit." By saying this exact sentence, you know people in communities are working together, stranger or not, to help in any way they can to ensure people do not get hurt by the fire

Thanks for stopping by :)


Hey again everyone!! Grumpy here.. Not really in the grumpy mood so let's get right to it then huh?

The issue I primarily focused on was focusing on the environment because you know, the environment is awesome.
Image result for tree grow
Grow trees grow!

The article talks about how the president of the Union of Concerned Scientists and how he believes he should overrule the Clean Power Plan. There are two different types of interest groups; the Liberals who are open to new behaviors and opinions and what not and are willing to not work with traditional values. or the conservatives who are more traditional and feel very cautious when it comes to change.
Image result for liberal v conservative


This type of artifact is an article and talks about how the president of the Union of Concerned Scientists and how he believes he should overrule the Clean Power Plan. The point of view of this artifact was to show readers that Trump or any other authority is not doing anything to help the environment. So, the president of this organization, Ken Mitchell, decides that him as well as his organization should consider taking charge and abolish the Clean Power Plan. The main idea is that “The Obama administration’s Clean Power Plan is a sensible, flexible, cost-effective rule addressing one of one of the biggest sources of US carbon emissions, and one of the least expensive sources to control.” (Liberal Blog)

CONSERVATIVE INTEREST GROUPScreenshot 2017-10-24 at 12.44.30 PM.png

This type is also an artifact is also an article. It argues saying that Offshore wind costs are not falling. They have a spreadsheet to prove they are correct. The point of the artifact is to tell readers and ensure that the cost of offshore wind is not falling. This was created by the Global Warming Policy Foundation. This article did have any biases. A limitation it has though is the fact that there was only one person able to prove it.


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These 2 artifacts both have similarities as well as differences. For example,  these artifacts are both articles. Though they are completely different articles, they both argue about the environment. The difference is that the first artifact argues that the president is not doing anything when it comes to the environment which is a reason as to why nature like plants are dying. They are not getting the attention they should be which is why the Union of Concerned Scientists say they should just take action instead of waiting for Trump to do something and argue about the Clean Power Plan. In the second artifact they are trying to prove and ensure to the audience that Offshore wind costs are not falling meaning the price of the damage from waves keeps growing or stay at a consistent price.
There are multiple ways that an interest groups might influence an individuals political belief. For example, the way they use their words (ex: a proper way of bashing their opponent) can convince individuals to go on their side rather the side they were originally on. Another way is by the pictures they put on their articles or what they talk about on their videos (social media). That plays a huge role because the more boring and un-entertaining something is, the least likely the interest group would influence an individuals political beliefs.

Okee dokee folks that's it for today!!