Thursday, November 2, 2017


Hey again everyone!! Grumpy here.. Not really in the grumpy mood so let's get right to it then huh?

The issue I primarily focused on was focusing on the environment because you know, the environment is awesome.
Image result for tree grow
Grow trees grow!

The article talks about how the president of the Union of Concerned Scientists and how he believes he should overrule the Clean Power Plan. There are two different types of interest groups; the Liberals who are open to new behaviors and opinions and what not and are willing to not work with traditional values. or the conservatives who are more traditional and feel very cautious when it comes to change.
Image result for liberal v conservative


This type of artifact is an article and talks about how the president of the Union of Concerned Scientists and how he believes he should overrule the Clean Power Plan. The point of view of this artifact was to show readers that Trump or any other authority is not doing anything to help the environment. So, the president of this organization, Ken Mitchell, decides that him as well as his organization should consider taking charge and abolish the Clean Power Plan. The main idea is that “The Obama administration’s Clean Power Plan is a sensible, flexible, cost-effective rule addressing one of one of the biggest sources of US carbon emissions, and one of the least expensive sources to control.” (Liberal Blog)

CONSERVATIVE INTEREST GROUPScreenshot 2017-10-24 at 12.44.30 PM.png

This type is also an artifact is also an article. It argues saying that Offshore wind costs are not falling. They have a spreadsheet to prove they are correct. The point of the artifact is to tell readers and ensure that the cost of offshore wind is not falling. This was created by the Global Warming Policy Foundation. This article did have any biases. A limitation it has though is the fact that there was only one person able to prove it.


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These 2 artifacts both have similarities as well as differences. For example,  these artifacts are both articles. Though they are completely different articles, they both argue about the environment. The difference is that the first artifact argues that the president is not doing anything when it comes to the environment which is a reason as to why nature like plants are dying. They are not getting the attention they should be which is why the Union of Concerned Scientists say they should just take action instead of waiting for Trump to do something and argue about the Clean Power Plan. In the second artifact they are trying to prove and ensure to the audience that Offshore wind costs are not falling meaning the price of the damage from waves keeps growing or stay at a consistent price.
There are multiple ways that an interest groups might influence an individuals political belief. For example, the way they use their words (ex: a proper way of bashing their opponent) can convince individuals to go on their side rather the side they were originally on. Another way is by the pictures they put on their articles or what they talk about on their videos (social media). That plays a huge role because the more boring and un-entertaining something is, the least likely the interest group would influence an individuals political beliefs.

Okee dokee folks that's it for today!!

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