Thursday, November 2, 2017

DAY THREE!!!!!!!

I honestly only chose this picture because I had a hard time thinking why these animals represent each party you know what I mean?? Like is a donkey strong?? Elephant for power?? Unicorn for fake or something?? I WILL FIND OUT!! (i hope)

Image result for political parties

Political parties link to the general public to the government by the use of multiple variations of social media. Whether it's on the television, news, twitter, YouTube, MySpace, Instagram, etc. Political parties are an important linkage institution because they can "link" us normal people (who don't watch news unless it's important or we have to) to some important things like the president, or candidates, or house of representatives, senators, etc.

Political Party:
The political party I chose to write about was the Libertarian Party (Fiscally Conservative). Some main beliefs in my political party is that they believe in free market economics and protection of private property. They also believe that individuals have the right to perform any action which is peaceful and honest. This differs from other political parties because for example, some parties believe that the government should just control everything while others believe that the citizens that live under that specific government should also take a role into what or when the government decides something. I think I chose this because I always like the idea of being peaceful or just dealing with peace in general because arguments and decision making are very stressful. 
Image result for peaceful and honest       Image result for peace

The artifact I ready states how they Respect you as unique and responsible individual that also stands firmly on their principles. They also substantially reduce the size and intrusiveness of government and cut and eliminate taxes at every opportunity. Any additional information necessary to make their claim is maybe by saying what they're willing to do towards the immigration laws since they claim how horrible it is. This artifact states that they created a positive impression by saying how they mean no harm to immigrants willing to come to the U.S. The author's political view is that America has a horrible immigration system. They believe that people should be able to travel freely as long as people are peaceful. If an immigrants wants to live in the United States, they should if they are peaceful Believe immigrants bravely left their hometown to find a better life. (Libertarian Website)

The politician I chose was Kamala D. Harris. (Senator)
Image result for kamala d harris        Image result for kamala d harris       Image result for kamala d harris         Image result for kamala d harris
She is affiliated with the democratic party and some of her main beliefs are primarily focused on making the world a better place. She works intensely to help children, students and kids. She also really cares about the people in California a lot which is why she states how she have emergency Resources for California and wants to pass  the  Wildfire Disaster Funding Act. In reality, there was no particular reason as to why I chose her. It was actually at somewhat random but I did know that I wanted to choose someone in California.

Image result for kamala d harris    Image result for kamala d harris    Image result for kamala d harris    Image result for kamala d harris

This artifact came from the website, Harris's website. This talks about what the government and California can do to help because of the Nasty Wildfire that has effected thousands of people. She stated how she wanted to make sure California and everyone else was helping to contribute to all the people effected by the fire. Some words that were being used to give a positive impact is how the article states that "People rushed to help the elderly in nursing homes evacuate. I heard a story of a doctor who used his motorcycle to save newborn babies from a neonatal unit." By saying this exact sentence, you know people in communities are working together, stranger or not, to help in any way they can to ensure people do not get hurt by the fire

Thanks for stopping by :)


  1. We choose the same politician! I am kind of curious on how you see other parties and their views on certain things.

  2. I think it's interesting how you are really paying attention to core values of the political party and candidate, like peace and community, rather than just looking at policy.

  3. I love your use of multi media, it made it engaging to read your post!
